I wrote this a few days ago for one of my writer friends, budding love is in the air...
Cupid Shot Me with an Arrow Named Marlene My Beauty Queen
Bo Jack Russo on Apr 13, 2010
* Tags: Love serene scene Florida California, Marlene
My sad tale of a woman I can never have, because I’m old, fat, dumb and ugly, and she’s brilliant, sweet pretty and petite… but I’ll try anyway, you guys know me!
Marlene, Marlene a scene so serene…
I met a girl
Her name is Marlene
She entices and fascinates
She’s a born beauty queen
She’s healthy she’s sexy
She’s fit and she’s lean
A portrait of her
Is a mesmerizing scene
I first saw her and was smitten
Like a warn fuzzy kitten
Or those mittens grandma’s knittin’
In her rockin’ chair sittin’
The problem is just that she’s so far away
But my mind is made up
I’ll be with her one day
Way down there in Florida
Instead of ol’ California
If I had my way
She’s be here with me today
The girl is polite
And really quite bright
If we were together tonight
That would be out of sight
But alas I must wait
It’s a thing that I hate
But it will be well worth it
When we embrace on that date
There I tried, I hope it had a positive impact on my chances with her. She’s a lot of fun and she writes about a lot of different things, and some relationship things. If you’d like to check some of the work of this young lady, just click
JournalistMarlene <—–That magic red link.
Cheers and Bo out
You know the rest
Bo Jack there is no substitute
I almost forgot, don’t be shy about visiting
THE SPORTS REPORT FROM BO JACK!! <—–Another magic blue link for you. It’s new from Bo Jack Express Industries, all sports all the time, only half the calories of regular sports sites.
PS, Marlene my Floridian queen, I picked out the rose below just for you, please remember me, all my love, Bo.
Dang one more thing I almost forgot, she’s my Wonder Woman! She has this really cool see through plane but she can’t fly it right now because it’s in the shop, else she’d come fly out and pick me up right away. If you don’t get it that’s OK, she will.