For a few special friends~
Beware of the Bo Jack!!

This a piece to thank some of my regular readers
I just want to thank a few people at this site for putting up with me. I could never come up with a complete list so if you aren’t mentioned please don’t take offense, this is just the most faithful of my readers list, these people read every single thing I write, or damn near everything, whether or not if I get my lazy butt to their pages and read their works too.
I could thank endless people, in several different areas, technological help, advice, blog help, and so on, but not right now. This is not even a friends list many of whom I hold dear here, just the readers, no matter what I write, they will read it. I also know many of you have moved on to Factoidz, Helium, Associated Content etc., I’ve just always felt at home on Triond, even if it does have a bad reputation web-wise and I gripe about the editors and such.
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