Here's my poem for today
There Are Angels All Around Us
About Guardian Angels watching over us.
There are Angels all around us
Protecting you and I
Keeping us both safe
And under watchful eye
The Angels keep us safe
From the danger all around
And they will pick you up
If you trip and hit the ground
They are all around us
Never leave you all alone
They're there when you are driving
Or talking on the phone
They will keep you safe
And shelter you from fright
It's the blessed Guardian Angel
That keeps your seat belt tight.
They watch you when you sleep
And watch when you're awake
The Blessed Guardian Angel
Watches every move you make
There are Angels all around us
Keep us safe from harm
They even still watch Grandma
In the chair knitting her yarn
Angels all around us
Bless divinity
They steer us clear of danger
That we can't even see
They won't leave you alone,
At home or where you roam
They protect your soul
When you forget the goal
Is to make it into Heaven
And not the firey hole,
And when you get to Heaven
And With Jesus take a stroll.
They don't punch a time clock
They watch you day and night
And though we can not see it
They are vested with the light.
There are Angels all around us
And each and every place
They protect us with love
Of the Lord's embrace
The brilliance of the Lord
Will never go away
And if we are lucky
We'll meet with Him one day.
There are Angels all around us
To help keep us alive
Without Angelic guidance
We might not survive
There are Angels all around us
You know this to be true
They're always watching out for us
Protecting me and you
Giving us the chance
To make it and get through
There are Angels all around us
Pushing us to see
That we can get to Heaven
And Live eternally
Written by me last November, Bo.
Very nice. Thanks for that pick me up.